프로그래밍과 용어와 잡담

IRC등 외국인과 채팅할때 알아두면 좋은 웃는 이모티콘.

소혼 2012. 6. 16. 21:47

방금전 IRC에서 메세지를 적고 웃는 표시로 :-/를 사용했더니 상대방이 물었다.

chri*** > Why the face?

헛 뭔가 이상한 느낌에 :)과 :-/의 차이를 물었더니 매우 다른 의미라는 것을 알게 됐다.

그동안 계속 :-/를 써왔는데 OTL

혹시 이런 실수를 하지 않기 위해 친절히도 보내준 이모티콘 리스트를 익혀봐야겠다.

참고로 lol (크게 웃다. laugh out loud)도 많이 쓰인다.

출처 : http://www.csh.rit.edu/~kenny/misc/smiley.html

The Smiley(웃는 모습) Dictionary

:-) - basic smiley
:) - midget smiley (작은 미소)
,-) - winking happy smiley
(-: - left hand smiley
(:-) - smiley big face
(:-( - very unhappy smiley
,-} - wry(실망스럽거나 짜증스럽지만 재밌는) and winking smiley 
8-O - Omigod (오 마이 갓)
'-) - winking smiley
:-# - my lips are scaled (비밀을 지킨다. 내 입술은 무겁다.)
:-* - kiss
:-/ - skeptical smiley (회의적인 미소)
:-> - sarcastic smiley (빈정대는 웃음)
:-@ - screaming smiley
:-d - said with a smile
:-V - shouting smiley
:-X - a big wet kiss
:-\ - undecided smiley
:-] - smiley blockhead
;-( - crying smiley
>;-> - a very lewd remark was just made
;^) - smirking smiley
%-) - smiley after staring at a screen for 15 hours straight
):-( - nordic smiley
3:] - Lucy my pet dog smiley
:-& - tongue tied
8:-) - little girl smiley
:-)8< - big girl smiley
:-O - talkaktive smiley
:-6 - smiley after eating something spicy
+:-) - priest smiley
O:-) - angel smiley
:-< - walrus smiley
:-? - smiley smokes a pipe
:-E - bucktoothed vampire
:-Q - smoking smiley
:-}X - bow tie-wearing smiley
:-[ - vampire smiley
:-a - smiley touching her tongue to her nose
:-{ - mustache
:-{} - smiley wears lipstick
:^) - smiley with a personality
<:-l - dunce smiley
:=) - orangutan smiley
>:-> - devilish smiley
>:-l - klingon smiley
@:-) - smiley wearing a turban
@:-} - smiley just back from the hairdresser
C=:-) - chef smiley
X:-) - little kid with a propeller beanie
[:-) - smiley wearing a walkman
[:] - robot smiley
{:-) - smiley wears a toupee
l^o - hepcat smiley
}:^#) - pointy nosed smiley
(:-( - the saddest smiley
:-(=) - bucktooth smiley
O-) - message from cyclops
:-3 - handlebar mustache smiley
: = - beaver smiley
:-" - whistling smiley
P-( - pirate smiley
?-( - black eye
d:-) - baseball smiley
:8) - pigish smiley
:-7 - smirking smiley
):-) - impish smiley
:/\) - extremely bignosed smiley
8(:-) - Mickey Mouse
([( - Robocop
:-(*) - that comment made me sick
&-l - that made me cry
:-e - disappointed smiley
:( - sad-turtle smiley
:,( - crying smiley
:-( - boo hoo
:-P - Nyahhhh!
:-S - what you say makes no sense
:-[ - un-smiley blockhead
:-C - real unhappy smiley
:-r - smiley raspberry
:-t - pouting smiley
:-W - speak with forked tongue
X-( - you are brain dead
l-O - smiley is yawning
l:-O - flattop loudmouth smiley
$-) - yuppie smiley
:-! - foot in mouth
:----} - you lie like pinnochio
O-) - smiley after smoking a banana
=:-) - smiley is a punk
=:-( - real punks never smile
3:[ - pit bull smiley
8<:-) - smiley is a wizard
:#) - drunk smiley
8-# - dead smiley
B-) - smiley wears glasses
8-) - smiley with big eyes...perhaps wearing contact lenses...
|-( - smiley lost his contact lenses
H-) - cross-eyed smiley
]-I - smiley wearing sunglasses (cool...therefore no smile, only a smirk)
V^J - smiley with glasses, seen from the left side (portrait, talking)
+-( - smiley, shot between the eyes
~:-P - smiley, thinking and steaming or: having only one single hair
`' - cat's eyes in the night
L-P - totally scrambled smiley (thats why L-P Mud exists... B)
BI - a frog
O | - Big Smiley Is Watching You
